Current Scientific Research & Peer Reviewed Studies.
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. April 2015, Volume 35, Issue 4.
Ghorbani,A, Mohit,A, Kuhi,H.
“Effects of Dietary Mineral Intake on Hair and Serum Mineral Content of Horses.”
The Horse. September 5, 2014. Article 34496.
“Horse Hair Analysis to detect Chronic Selenium Toxicity.”
Natural horse. Volume 6, issue 6, article 2. 2015.
“What's in a Mane.“
Journal of Equine Veterinary Medical Science. 64, volume 7, 2002.
Asano,J. Suzuki,K.
“Concentrations of Toxic Metals and Essential Minerals in the Mane Hair of Healthy Racing Horses and their Relation to Age.”
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Volume 2, 2014.
Davis, T.Z. etal.
“Analysis in Horse Hair as a Means of Evaluating Selenium Toxicity and Long-Term Exposure.”
Journal of Xray Science Technology Volume 22, issue 4. 2014.
Chikawa, T. etal.
“Concentration homeostasis and elements in hair and dried serum using Synchrotron Radiation.”
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Volume 10, issue 6. 1990.
Wells,A, LeRoy,R, Ralston,S.
“Mineral Intake and hair analysis of horses in Arizona.”
Biological Trace Elements Research Volume 2, 2005.
“Twenty Eight Element Concentrations in Mane Samples of Adult Riding Horses.”
International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Science Volume 4, November 2013.
Ghorbani,A, Kuhi,H, Mohit,A.
“A Review Hair Tissue Analysis: An Analytical Method of Determining Essential Elements, Toxic Elements, hormones, drug use and abuse.”
Veterinary Toxicology, Basic Clinical Principles.
Gupta,R.C.Ed. 2007
Trace elements Inc.